James Stephens Elementary
2024-2025 Dress Code Policy

We are a uniform school. The dress code policy is as follows:
TOPS: Plain Polo in any solid color, long or short sleeved. Student can purchase SPIRIT shirts in the front office for $13/each. These SPIRIT shirts can be worn any day of the week with uniform bottoms. *All shirts must be tucked in at the waist.
BOTTOMS: Shorts/skorts (mid-thigh or longer), long pants, capris or jumpers (mid-thigh or longer with shorts underneath) in khaki, navy blue, or black. No cargo style pants, denim jeans/leggings, sweatpants, or spandex. Pants must be worn at the natural waistline.
JACKETS & SWEATERS: Solid color jacket or sweaters. No hoodies are allowed to be worn in classrooms. Students who come to school with a hoodie sweater will be asked to remove their sweater when entering classroom, cafe, and gym areas.
AGAIN, HOODED SWEATSHIRTS AND SWEATERS ARE NOT PERMITTED. If students wear hooded items into school during inclement weather they will be asked to remove it once in the classroom.
SHOES: Sneakers or other “enclosed” style shoes are to be worn. No open toed, open heels, Crocs, or shoes with wheels (Heelys). Socks or tights are required with shoes.
BELTS: Students should wear a belt with any pants, skorts, or shorts that have belt loops.
HEADWEAR: No hats, sweatbands, or bandanas may be worn during the school day.
Students arriving at school without a proper uniform will be asked to change into a proper uniform after the parent has been notified and asked to bring the uniform to school. Additional violations of the dress code will result in an office referral and progressive discipline.