James Stephens Elementary
Bell Schedule
Our first bell rings at 7:25am. This bell allows students to enter campus and eat breakfast and/or work on morning work.
7:55am LATE BELL
The Tardy Bell rings at 7:55am. At this time students should be within their homeroom classroom ready to learn. Our Mustang Media will begin at this time.
If you are tardy, Ms. LoCicero will welcome you in the office and help you get to class.

Our dismissal procedure begins promptly at 2:40pm. Students will begin to move into their designated areas for dismissal.
Walkers: Walkers will move to their designated area according to which gate they exit out of in the afternoon. We have three gates on campus. The North Gate which exits on the Billy Bowlegs side of campus, the South Gate which exits on the Ballard side of campus, and our Back Gate which exits on Clotilde. Students are walked to gate by an adult and released to walk home at their designated gate. In the event of lightning, we cannot release students to walk home. Students will be held within the gym and back office until the lightning alert has cleared.
Parent Pick Up (Car Riders): Students who are parent pick up are brought to the media center where they sit with their respective grade levels and wait for their names to be called. Once their name is called, they will exit the media center and walk down the sidewalk to our 10 spots for pick up. If you are parked in the outside lane, students must be walked across the parking lot by an adult. We respectfully request that drivers remain in their vehicles and pick up students through the parent pick up line. We respect your time and will do everything possible to move things along quickly. Please move your vehicle forward as soon as your child gets into the car. If you need time to buckle your child into a safety seat, kindly pull up out of the parent pick up line. This will greatly help us conduct dismissal in a timely manner. ALL PARENTS MUST HAVE A PARENT PICK UP TAG IN THEIR CAR. If you do not have a tag, you will be asked to park and show ID in the front office to verify you are eligible to pick up the student. Please park only in the designated parking places and refrain from parking on the grass or outside the bus gates/front gates. If you need additional parent pick up tags, you are welcome to pick them up from the front office at your convenience. For safety reasons, students will not be dismissed to adults waiting outside the gates or walking up to the sidewalks.
Bus Riders: Bus riders are dismissed to the bus ramp at dismissal time. If the bus is on time, students board their bus on the bus ramp. In the event that their bus is late, students will be held in the gym until their bus arrives.
Boys and Girls Club: James Stephens Elementary has partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Lee County to establish an affordable after school program here at James Stephens Elementary. Students who attend the Boys and Girls Club afterschool program are dismissed to the cafe where they have their afternoon snack and homework time. Please click the link below for more information on our afterschool program.
Picking Up your Child Early: We know that there will be times when you must pick up your student before our 2:40 dismissal time. If this is the case we ask that you arrive at the front office prior to 2:10 pm to pick up your student. If you arrive after 2:10 you will be asked to wait until dismissal begins and your student will be called from the PPU waiting area beginning at 2:40.